Lighting with a Focus on Good Light at Bergum Garden Center
Good Lighting in Focus at Bergum Garden Center
Year: 2020
Client: Bergums Handelsträdgård
Installer: Olsfors Elektriska
Located in Olofstorp, Bergums Handelsträdgård offers everything from cultivation to the sale of plants and products typically found in a garden center.
Westal was tasked with lighting a newly created section of the store where high-quality lighting was valued. Above the plants, our IP44 full-spectrum fixture was chosen, which works just as well indoors as outdoors. The advantage of full-spectrum light is that it provides excellent color rendering, which is crucial not only for highlighting the plants' various colors but also for the plants' well-being, as the light closely resembles natural sunlight.
Additionally, the decision was made to combine the IP44 full-spectrum light with our tracklight, WLT-AC, as it works perfectly as accent lighting. This means it provides indirect lighting for various parts of the room, highlighting the areas that are desired to be showcased.
“I wanted to suggest Westal for this project because we’ve had a close and successful collaboration with them for a long time. Currently, there aren't many other companies in the industry with fixtures suitable for this type of environment; therefore, Westal is an excellent option for projects like this.”
- Simon Wannberg, CEO of Olsfors Elektriska AB